The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (PSSR)
The PSSR regulations apply to owners/users of pressure systems containing a relevant fluid including steam, gases under pressure and any fluid kept artificially under pressure which when released to atmosphere becomes a gas.
There is a legal requirement for Thorough Examination of pressure vessels that contain steam compressed gas. Any pressure vessel containing compressed gas over 250 bar litres capacity requires inspection. Pressure systems require to be inspected in accordance with a Written Scheme of Examination.
To establish whether you require a pressure vessel inspection, multiply the vessel operating pressure (in bar) by the vessel capacity (in Litres) i.e. 10 bar x 50 Litres = 500 bar litres capacity and therefore requires inspection as it is above the 250 bar litres threshold.
The PSSR regulations cover a wide range of equipment including, but not limited to: compressed air systems (air receivers, air/oil receivers), expansion vessels, coffee machine boilers, autoclaves, steam boilers/generators and pressure cookers.
MH Statutory Inspections can assist you with identifying what requires an inspection under the PSSR regulations. We can inspect a wide range of equipment and produce a report of Thorough Examination, including a Written Scheme of Examination ensuring you are compliant.